Posts Tagged ‘5k’


Training for a 5k and beyond


I’m planning to run in a 5k on 9/6/09, so I’ve been working towards running the whole route. I run in the mornings and have been gradually increasing the length of my initial run period. The whole route is 5k, but I run in the beginning and then do a combo of walking and running for the remainder.

This morning I ran the farthest, and my total time for the 5k was 36:35. I have been using to calculate my route and see how far I have been running. It’s a really cool site that uses google maps to allow you to plot out a route.

This morning, I ran 2.38 miles straight through, and then finished out the final route of 3.4 miles alternately walking and running. I do need to edit my route on the map though, because I just realized that I plotted that I ran down one particular block, but it’s a different one I run down. Either that or run down the right block next time. I wonder how much that would alter the route distance…

So … big progress today!

The “beyond” of the title is for a HALF MARATHON that my sister-in-law wants me to register for in May 2010. I think that if I keep to a good schedule through the winter, I could do that. Check back for my progress!